*Review* Clear Remedy Acne Products

I was supposed to be posting weekly updates but I realize its been more like two! I have been so busy with work and trying to get my laptop and wireless up and running in the short amount of spare time I do have now that I just haven't had time till now. The laptop still isn't functional I had to exchange the first because the touch pad mouse didn't work and now this one I have to wait till we get a wireless company to come out and see how much it will cost to get both computers set up with wireless.

Ok so on to the review...I have been using all four steps of the Clear Remedy system for close to two weeks now and I must say that I have noticed an improvement in my skin! I didn't see results in three days like they claim, but my skin was pretty bad so I really wasn't expecting a fast fix anyway. After about a week I started noticing the difference. My existing pimples have started to dry up and disappear and I haven't seen any new breakouts form since I have started using the system. I also notice that I don't get the painful bumps under my skin either. Well I haven't since using this treatment, and I used to get them quite frequently. I also notice that the few pinkish/gray scars I had on my forehead from those painful cystic pimples have faded some, that may just be my imagination but I really do think they aren't as noticeable. I used to have to cover them with cover up like I did my pimples and now just pressed powder takes care of covering them. My skin feels smooth no bumps under the skin and for the first time in a few years I can actually wear very little foundation and cover up which I am liking especially for summer. It does take me a bit longer to get ready in the morning because of all the steps but it is very worth the extra 5 minutes to use all four steps before doing makeup.
I have to add that a little goes a long way with these products so you don't have to use a ton, especially with the acne treatment lotion, hydrating lotion and acne spot treatment lotion. I have to be especially careful with the hydrating lotion since I have naturally very oily skin. I don't need much hydrating even after using all of the drying products. I would also advise that if you have dryish skin I would use the acne spot treatment VERY sparingly or you will probably start peeling like a sunburn if you don't use enough of the hydrating lotion. The company said they sent me enough to last two months but I think it will last longer. The cleanser I think will probably last the couple months but the rest of the products will last me longer because I only use them on the areas that I need them (forehead and chin), and you don't need to use a lot so I think they all may last much longer then I had first thought.
Now the part that makes me die a little inside. Each box that the products came in has the retail price on them. The Purifying Cleanser is $30, the Hydrating Lotion is $40, the Acne Treatment Lotion is $65 and the Acne Spot Treatment is $30. Now I don't know about anyone else I just don't have the budget to spend much on myself right now with plans for school and buying a car etc. Which is where most of my money will be going this year. I have figured out a way to cut the cost a little bit though. I probably wouldn't purchase the Hydrating Lotion which eliminates $40, just because I have oily skin and I really don't need to moisturize a whole ton. Depending on how long the products last it may not work out to be that much a month when I break down the cost that way. I try to look at the cost per month vs. the whole cost at once. So if they last me four months instead of two then that is only $33.75 a month on three products that do the job. Plus when you factor in all the products I have sitting in the bathroom that I bought that didn't work, or made the problem worse I am probably saving money by just spending the money on what does work.

Pros so far:
  • Noticed a difference in my skin after about a week of use
  • No new breakouts since using Clear Remedy
  • Existing pimples are disappearing
  • Scarring isn't as bad as what I remember it being
  • Skin feels soft and smooth for the first time in awhile
  • A little product goes a long way and will probably last longer than two months
  • Pricey if you don't have the money in your budget
  • Not sure I really need the hydrating lotion since I have oily skin

Coupon code: use GETCLEAR30 and save 30% off and free ground shipping! http://www.iqderma.com/link/D65180


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