*Review* Maybelline Mineral Power Concealer

I first purchased this a few months ago only because it was on sale and because I had a $2 off coupon from the MNY guide otherwise I'm not sure I would have purchased it. Regular price is $9.99 for a 5.5ml tube which I think is a lot to first try something out especially when my skin reacts to a lot of makeup. I got the first tube for $6.99 plus tax which isn't bad but its more then I usually spend on one makeup item. I must say though it was well worth the money.
The store had testers so I could test the shades first but I already pretty much knew what shade I would need. I had to buy the lightest shade they had which was the 0-1 Light colour. It matches my skin tone perfectly so you can't even tell when I use it which is great since it takes me forever to find a concealer that doesn't look fake on me. They have a huge selection of shades which is perfect because chances are you will be able to find the one that matches your skin. They also take into consideration warm and cool skin tones which is why I think they have such a large number of shades to pick from.
Since purchasing it I haven't used anything else to conceal imperfections I am in love with this concealer it provides natural coverage and it even has a slight shimmer which adds to the natural look because it keeps the areas you cover from looking flat and covered up. It also didn't irritate my skin which is great since I end up allergic to something in most products. I also love the natural ingredients as well as no preservatives which may contribute to why it didn't break me out. The packaging also says that it contains no wax or pore clogging ingredients and that it contains chamomile to soothe skin. I was also told by a makeup artist that mineral makeup was more friendly to acne prone skin then other makeup as well which is why I decided to switch over to mineral makeup to see if I could notice a difference in my skin.

  • is cheaper then most other mineral makeup on the market
  • comes in a shade perfect for my skin tone
  • large selection of shades to suit everyones skin tone
  • provides natural looking coverage
  • doesn't look fake or cakey
  • doesn't irritate my skin
  • natural ingredients
  • will probably last awhile since you don't use it on your whole face
  • there were testers in the store (may not be all stores but the three I stores I have bought the mineral makeup in had testers set up)
  • a bit on the pricey side if you are used to buying non-mineral makeup (but worth it if it lasts awhile and does the job!)
  • doesn't contain preservatives so it will expire faster then other makeup
  • cant remember the list of ingredients because they only have the ingredients listed on the packaging not the tube
  • doesn't provide as full a coverage as a cover stick
  • not sure about some of the listed ingredients on the package and if its really 100% mineral makeup or only partially
Overall I would give this product a 9.5/10!


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